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2.0 | 2.0标准型号 | 1 | 如果您允许进行一些 AI 编辑,请使用此模型 | GPT-4、GPT-3+、GPT-J、GPT-Neo、释义、降低假阳性率 |
3.0 | 3.0涡轮模型 | 2 | 该模型是最准确的,但可能很敏感。如果您对所使用的人工智能的容忍度非常低,请使用此选项。在这里了解更多 | GPT-4 Turbo、Claude、Gemini、Grok、Paraphrase,显着降低误报率 |
多语言 | 多语言 | 3 | 我们的最新型号支持英语以外的语言 | 俄语、西班牙语、土耳其语、意大利语、法语、德语、葡萄牙语、荷兰语、中文(普通话)、希腊语、波兰语、越南语、日语、波斯语 |
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"content": "The Galaxy S23 launch may be far behind us, but Samsung likely has plenty more to announce in 2023. That'\''s if history repeats itself. Should Samsung stick to its annual routine, we can expect to see new foldable phones and wearable devices in August. The company also previewed new designs for bendable phones and tablets earlier this year, hinting that the company may be planning to expand beyond the Z Fold and Z Flip in the near future. Though Samsung regularly releases new products across many categories, including TVs, home appliances and monitors, I'\''m most interested in where its mobile devices are headed. Samsung is one of the world'\''s largest smartphone manufacturers by market share, meaning it has more influence than most other tech companies on the devices we carry in our pockets each day. Wearables have also become a large part of how Samsung intends to differentiate its phones from those of other Android device makers. It'\''s a strategy to create a web of products that keep people hooked, much like Apple'\''s range of devices.",
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200 - 成功示例
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"text": "150 words of sub text from your content that was individually scanned",
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"text": "150 words of sub text from your content that was individually scanned",
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"content": "The Galaxy S23 launch may be far behind us, but Samsung likely has plenty more to announce in 2023. That's if history repeats itself. Should Samsung stick to its annual routine, we can expect to see new foldable phones and wearable devices in August. The company also previewed new designs for bendable phones and tablets earlier this year, hinting that the company may be planning to expand beyond the Z Fold and Z Flip in the near future. Though Samsung regularly releases new products across many categories, including TVs, home appliances and monitors, I'm most interested in where its mobile devices are headed. Samsung is one of the world's largest smartphone manufacturers by market share, meaning it has more influence than most other tech companies on the devices we carry in our pockets each day. Wearables have also become a large part of how Samsung intends to differentiate its phones from those of other Android device makers. It's a strategy to create a web of products that keep people hooked, much like Apple's range of devices.",
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